Endoscopic Prostate Surgery (Tur-P)

What is Endoscopic Prostate Surgery (TUR-P)?

Benign enlargement of the prostate is a health problem that increases with age and causes serious problems in the social life of the patient. It is a condition seen in approximately half of the male population over the age of 50 and causes complaints in half of these patients. Difficulty urinating, inability to empty completely, frequent urination, increased frequency of going to the toilet at night are the most common complaints. Mild cases of this condition usually benefit from lifestyle changes and drug treatments. However, surgical treatment may be required for patients who do not benefit from these treatments.

Surgical treatments are performed with the preference of the patient in cases such as recurrent catheterization, urinary tract infection, urinary bleeding, bladder stones, kidney failure, if the patient does not benefit from drug therapy in benign enlargement of the prostate.< /p>

TUR-P operation, which is based on the principle of transurethral resection (scraping the prostate from inside the urinary tract), is the most commonly used surgical technique in benign prostate enlargement. Endoscopic prostate surgeries broke new ground in prostate surgery towards the end of the 20th century. Thanks to this technique, which reduces the need for open surgery, less bleeding and infection are observed. It has the advantage of shorter hospital stays and a more comfortable post-operative period.

How is Endoscopic Prostate Surgery Performed?

The procedure is done by entering the urinary canal with a camera system and scraping it from the inside with the help of the instrument that conducts the cutting process by providing electricity transmission. Small pieces accumulated in the urine bag during the procedure are collected at the end of the operation with the help of the washing system and taken out. These pieces are sent to the laboratory for final pathological examination. After the scraping, the bleeding foci in the prostate area are taken under control and we follow our patients in our service for 2-3 days with a probe.

This operation is performed in our clinic with monopolar and bipolar electrocautery devices. The bipolar cautery system has advantages in reducing the development of TUR syndrome, and there is no significant difference affecting the success of the operation.

Endoscopic Prostate Surgery (TUR-P) 2022

For information about Endoscopic Prostate Surgery (TUR-P) 2022 You can reach us immediately.


No. It is even possible that there is an increase in sexual desire, sexual satisfaction and erection rates. As in all prostate surgeries, after orgasm, the sperm fluid may not go out of the body (retrograde ejaculation), but towards the bladder.

This can only create problems for naturally having children. However, the patient can have children with assisted reproductive techniques such as vaccination and in vitro fertilization.

Pathology result results after an average of 1 week.

In case of doubt in the pre-operative examination, a biopsy can be performed from the prostate. If there is no doubt, the pathological examination after the operation will also give the same result.

In this procedure, the central and transitional zone of the prostate growing towards the urinary canal is removed.

You will come for checkups periodically, but you will not need to use prostate drugs.

Generally, you will be discharged after 2-3 days of hospitalization.

There may be slight burning in the urine in the first 1 week after the operation.

Water will be drunk at least 2lt/day, and a watery and vegetable-based diet will be given. Acidic foods will not be consumed. Fibrous foods will be consumed.

In the first week, you can take short walks at a light pace. It is recommended to start normal daily activities after 1 week.

You can have sexual intercourse after 1 week.