What is Prominent Ear Surgery?
Prominent Ear Surgery is the surgical removal of ear-shaped disorders. The cartilage structure does not have the normal fold shape. It is usually caused by loose cartilage structure. A treatment plan is prepared for the elimination of cartilage problems.
What is Prominent Ear?
The ear consists of three main parts, the inner ear, middle ear and outer ear. Each section has its own features and layers. The prominent ear problem is the name given to the sailing appearance in the outer ear.
For this reason, only the outer ear part is intervened during the operation and the flail appearance is eliminated. Since only the outer ear is intervened in this operation, prominent ear surgery does not cause a problem in hearing function.
How is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?
It can be applied with two different anesthesia options, general anesthesia and local anesthesia. The type of anesthesia is selected according to the age of the patient. General anesthesia is preferred, as it will be difficult for young children to remain stable.
If the patient's age allows, the cartilage part is sutured and the necessary folds are gained. However, in elderly patients, an incision is made behind the ear because this situation cannot be achieved. Its location is determined and planted. The process is completed by wrapping the bandage.
Who Is Prominent Ear Surgery Suitable For?
The ideal time for surgery is the first 6 years of age. In this period, ideal ear folds are formed more easily after surgery, as the cartilage has not yet completed its development. It is important to perform prominent ear surgery at this age, as it also makes it possible to protect the mental health of children.
The procedure can also be performed for people who are of advanced age and do not prevent them from receiving anesthesia.
What are the Benefits of Prominent Ear Surgery?
Surgery provides some benefits to people. As long as it is applied with the right technique by experienced physicians, these benefits are utilized. The shape of the ears is permanently corrected. The person can easily collect their hair. Aesthetics and looking beautiful takes a big place today.
In the field of medicine, where the perception of beauty changes every year, different surgical and medical treatments are organized. The absence of deformations in the physical image helps people feel happy. Correcting the sailing ear image also increases people's self-confidence.
What is the Normal Ear Structure?
When viewed from the outside, the size of the ears is proportional and without protrusions. The auricle is curved and the upper part is close and closed to the scalp. In the sailing ear, the auricle is located at a distance from the head. This image makes people uncomfortable.
It creates psychological discomfort, especially in childhood.
What Causes Prominent Ear Appearance?
It occurs as a result of insufficient formation of the auricle fold or overdevelopment of the structure called conchal cartilage. This image, which does not affect the hearing function, causes people to lack self-confidence. In daily life, she has to open her hair constantly.
When is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?
The development of the auricle is completed between 5-10 years of age. People who have prominent ear problems in this age range can get rid of this problem permanently by applying a small operation. The procedure can be applied at any age desired.
However, childhood is a period in which the foundations of a person's psychological health are laid. Because it can cause serious psychological problems in school-age children, prominent ear surgery is recommended in this age range.
Is There a Non-Surgical Treatment Option for Prominent Ear?
In order to apply the non-surgical treatment option, this condition must be detected in the newborn period. In the first 6 weeks of life, this problem can be slightly corrected with the bandage application process. However, since the cartilage memory develops after the 6th week, there is no chance of intervention after this week. Prominent ear surgery is the only solution for patients after this period.
What Causes Prominent Ear?
It occurs due to the overdevelopment of the cartilage structure and the number of folds it should have. It is seen in people who have this problem genetically in their family. It is not seen after events such as accidents and trauma. This is seen only in people with a genetic predisposition.
What are the Problems Caused by Prominent Ear?
Prominent ear does not cause a physiological problem. However, it can negatively affect life psychologically. Nowadays, when aesthetic anxiety is increasing, people cannot act comfortably. He always tries to cover his ears by wearing accessories. They cannot collect their hair freely. Because they are the subject of ridicule in school-age children, their social environment cannot develop sufficiently.
What Problems May Occur After Prominent Ear Surgery?
Problems are not expected after otoplasty operations. However, there are two different periods: short-term and long-term. In the early period, blood collection and risk of infection may occur. Although the formation of blood collection at the surgical site is rare, it is seen. The risk of infection also occurs due to wound healing. These problems can be eliminated with antibiotic treatment to be arranged.
The long-term problem is the development of ear asymmetry. This problem is encountered when prominent ear surgery is performed for only one ear. Asymmetry is usually not expected after surgery performed by an experienced physician.
At What Age Is Prominent Ear Surgery Performed?
People of all ages can be operated on. If there is no health problem that may prevent the person from receiving anesthesia in the physical examination performed before the procedure, an appointment is made and the procedure is performed. There is usually no age restriction.
What Does Prominent Ear Surgery Include?
Only cartilage is corrected without interfering with the structure and anatomy of the ear. An incision is made behind the ear. This incision is sutured at the end of the surgery. Since the scar will remain behind the ear, it is not possible to leave a scar.
What is the Recovery Time After Prominent Ear Surgery?
A period of 2 weeks is needed for full recovery. It is not recommended to send children to school for the first week, especially since it is difficult to protect the surgical site from trauma. Swelling and bruising are normal. These situations go away on their own within a week. A doctor should be consulted for non-healing bruising and swelling.
Can prominent ear surgery be performed on children?
It is a procedure that can be applied in childhood. The difference from adults is the anesthesia technique. It is not possible to perform the procedure with local anesthesia in children. In order to establish a healthy mental health, prominent ear surgery is recommended in childhood.
Is There Any Scar After Prominent Ear Aesthetics?
Since the incisions are made behind the ear and stored here, there is no scarring. The first criterion of aesthetic operations is good wound healing and no scarring.
How to Prepare for Prominent Ear Aesthetics?
Before the procedure, a doctor's control should be done first. While it is sufficient to intervene in one ear in some people, in some cases both ears should be intervened. People who use substances such as alcohol and cigarettes that harm blood circulation should take a break from these substances a week before. There is an anxiety called fear of surgery. People with such anxieties can get rid of these concerns by consulting a doctor.
Can Prominent Ear Surgery be performed in Adults?
The operation can be performed in women and men at later ages. While women cover their ear problems thanks to their hair, hairpins and different accessories, this is not the case for men. For this reason, anyone who is uncomfortable with the appearance and shape of the ear can have this surgery whenever they wish.
Prominent Ear Surgery Prices 2022
Surgery prices vary according to the technique of the surgery, its duration, the number of personnel required for the procedure, the operation fee of the physician and the type of anesthesia. When you decide on the operation, you should be careful in choosing the hospital and doctor. You can contact us for detailed information about prominent ear surgery prices.
You can contact us immediately for information about Prominent Ear Surgery Prices 2022.